If you love to decorate, create creative things, have a good time and want to join the TibiaStyle staff... Please write an email to us called "Staff application". Give a reason why we should choose you, share your ideas and add a short information about yourself - everything you consider important! You can apply as: editor, decorator, translator, graphic designer... whatever you want!
If you like our content and want to support our activity, you can send us a donate. All donations will be allocated to the development of the website (contests, website quality, etc.) You can send tibia coins to admin, Tynusiiaa.HELP TO CREATE CONTENT
If you want to support the website but don't want to be part of the staff, you can help too! If you want to make a decoration for us, an article or just share a screenshot or an idea for an article, we are very open to suggestions. Feel free to write to us!
Open to all fansites, those that are already officially supported, but also those that are applying programme - if you have an idea how we can help each other and create something together write to us. If you want be our partner, you're welcome!
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